
SQL Example Work using Sakila schema test database

Appendix: List of Tables in the Sakila DB

	SELECT first_name, last_name
	from actor;
	Select upper(concat(first_name,' ',last_name)) as 'Actor Name'
	from actor;
	select actor_id, first_name, last_name
	from actor
	where first_name like 'Joe';
	select first_name, last_name
	from actor
	where last_name like '%GEN%';
	select first_name, last_name
	from actor
	where last_name like '%LI%'
	order by last_name, first_name;
	select country_id, country
	from country
	where country in ('Afghanistan', 'Bangladesh', 'China');
	alter table actor
	add column middle_name varchar(30) after first_name;

	select *
	from actor;

	alter table actor
	modify column middle_name blob;

	select *
	from actor;
	alter table actor
	drop column middle_name;

	select * 
	from actor;
	select last_name as 'Last Name', count(last_name) as 'Last Name Count'
	from actor
	group by last_name;
	select last_name as 'Last Name', count(last_name) as 'Last Name Count'
	from actor
	group by last_name
	having count(last_name) > 1;
	select first_name, last_name
	from actor
	where first_name = 'Groucho' and last_name = 'Williams';

	update actor
	set first_name = 'HARPO'
	where first_name = 'Groucho' and last_name = 'Williams';

	select *
	from actor
	where last_name = 'Williams';
	select first_name
	from actor
	where first_name = 'Harpo';

	update actor
	set first_name = 'GROUCHO'
	where first_name = 'Harpo';

	update actor
	set first_name = case
		when first_name = 'Harpo' THEN 'GROUCHO'
    	when first_name = 'Groucho' THEN 'MUCHO GROUCHO'
    	else first_name
	select *
	from actor;
	create table address_new (
		address_id integer(11) NOT NULL,
    		address varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    		adress2 varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    		district varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    		city_id integer(11) NOT NULL,
    		postal_code integer(11) NOT NULL,
    		phone integer(10) NOT NULL,
    		location varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    		last_update datetime
	select s.first_name as 'First Name', s.last_name as 'Last Name', a.address as 'Address'
	from staff as s
	join address as a 
	ON a.address_id = s.address_id;
	select concat(s.first_name,' ',s.last_name) as 'Staff Member', sum(p.amount) as 'Total Amount'
	from payment as p
	join staff as s
	on p.staff_id = s.staff_id
	where payment_date like '2005-08%'
	group by p.staff_id;
	select f.title as 'Film', count(fa.actor_id) as 'Number of Actors'
	from film as f
	join film_actor as fa
	on f.film_id = fa.film_id
	group by f.title;
	select f.title as Film, count(i.inventory_id) as 'Inventory Count'
	from film as f
	join inventory as i
	on f.film_id = i.film_id
	where f.title = 'Hunchback Impossible'
	group by f.film_id;
	select concat(c.first_name,' ',c.last_name) as 'Customer Name', sum(p.amount) as 'Total Paid'
	from payment as p
	join customer as c
	on p.customer_id = c.customer_id
	group by p.customer_id;
	select f.title
	from film as f
	where f.language_id = (select language_id from language where name = 'English')
	and f.title like 'K%' or 'Q%' ;


	select f.title
	from film as f
	join language as l
	on f.language_id = l.language_id
	where f.title like 'K%' or 'Q%' and l.name = 'English';
	select CONCAT(first_name,' ',last_name) as 'Actors in Alone Trip'
	from actor
	where actor_id in 
	(select actor_id from film_actor where film_id = 
	(select film_id from film where title = 'Alone Trip'));
	select concat(c.first_name,' ',c.last_name) as 'Name', c.email as 'E-mail'
	from customer as c
	join address as a on c.address_id = a.address_id
	join city as cy on a.city_id = cy.city_id
	join country as ct on ct.country_id = cy.country_id
	where ct.country = 'Canada';
	select f.title as 'Movie Title'
	from film as f
	join film_category as fc on fc.film_id = f.film_id
	join category as c on c.category_id = fc.category_id
	where c.name = 'Family';
	select f.title as 'Movie', count(r.rental_date) as 'Times Rented'
	from film as f
	join inventory as i on i.film_id = f.film_id
	join rental as r on r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
	group by f.title
	order by count(r.rental_date) desc;
	select store as 'Store', total_sales as 'Total Sales' from sales_by_store;

	select concat(c.city,', ',cy.country) as `Store`, s.store_id as 'Store ID', sum(p.amount) as `Total Sales` 
	from payment as p
	join rental as r on r.rental_id = p.rental_id
	join inventory as i on i.inventory_id = r.inventory_id
	join store as s on s.store_id = i.store_id
	join address as a on a.address_id = s.address_id
	join city as c on c.city_id = a.city_id
	join country as cy on cy.country_id = c.country_id
	group by s.store_id;

	select s.store_id as 'Store ID', c.city as 'City', cy.country as 'Country'
	from store as s
	join address as a on a.address_id = s.address_id
	join city as c on c.city_id = a.city_id
	join country as cy on cy.country_id = c.country_id
	order by s.store_id;
	select c.name as 'Film', sum(p.amount) as 'Gross Revenue'
	from category as c
	join film_category as fc on fc.category_id = c.category_id
	join inventory as i on i.film_id = fc.film_id
	join rental as r on r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
	join payment as p on p.rental_id = r.rental_id
	group by c.name
	order by sum(p.amount) desc
	limit 5;
	create view top_5_genre_revenue as 
	SELECT c.name as 'Film', sum(p.amount) as 'Gross Revenue'
	from category as c
	join film_category as fc on fc.category_id = c.category_id
	join inventory as i on i.film_id = fc.film_id
	join rental as r on r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
	join payment as p on p.rental_id = r.rental_id
	group by c.name
	order by sum(p.amount) desc
	limit 5;
	FROM top_5_genre_revenue;
	drop view top_5_genre_revenue;